Tuesday, June 9, 2009


This has got to be one of the most frustrating emotions a person can feel.
Being pulled in two different directions.
Mind telling you A and heart telling you B.
Why is there never a C?
Some middle ground that satisfies both the heart and mind.
Some compromise between the two.
It can really drive a girl crazy.
I'm trying to find my middle ground, but for now the heart wins.
My mind is telling me it's the wrong choice, but hopefully he can prove it wrong.
If not the right decision will be made at the right time.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Abandoned much??

Damn, talk about a neglectful blogger.
My apologies. School was busting my derrière, but I am back and I have a lot on my mind. From now on I am going to TRY to update at least once a week.
...Well actually from tomorrow on because I'm too tired to put anything other than this up tonight.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Is baby making the new career of choice for young women?

So, I recently heard a story that I just had to make a post about.

Someone I know was telling me how she ran into a girl that she went to high school with. This young lady is now a mother of FOUR and she is only TWENTY years old!! But wait it gets better...

This young mother then went on to ask her (she's also twenty), "How are you doing? How many kids do you have?" Now, PAUSE!

Ladies, Ladies, Ladies, since when has it become expected for us to have children, much less MULTIPLE children, by the time we graduate high school? Now don't get me wrong I completely understand that sometimes people slip up and things happen. There are a lot of young mothers out there who are doing their thing and I applaud them. But whatever happened to college after high school? Or beginning a career prior to having 3 or 4 kids? Is that no longer the norm? Am I now a statistic for NOT having kids? It really baffles me that someone who isn't even legal to drink, has more children than my own mother. I just don't understand. It just seems to be a never ending cycle.

Also, just because you have kids doesn't mean you can't go on to do great things. You don't have to settle for some dead end, 9 to 5 job and that's all you make of your life. If you REALLY want something, you'll make it happen any way possible. I see young mothers who still manage to go on to college all the time, but not as much as there could be. Having children isn't an excuse for not furthering your education. If anything it should be a motivation. I'm not at all trying to pass judgment on anyone, but there are so many things out there that can be achieved, why not go for it?

Ladies I think we need to do better for ourselves and set a better an example for the children we have or plan to have. We wouldn't want them settling for anything less than greatness, so why should we?

These are just my sentiments.
What do you think?